Featured at MIT OCW 20th anniversary.
I was recognized as an African learner who made a impact through the use of MIT OpenCourseWare during the closing of universities in Benghazi due to the civil war, I was featured at the 20th anniversary celebration, in a video with the publication Director of MIT OCW, the dean of MIT open learning, and professor Gilbert strang.
My statement:
“I came from a place where finding a good education is hardly possible. During 3 years of civil war in my city, all universities were closed and OCW was the place to get my education from. Because of this knowledge that I gained, I participated in building a prosthetic hand to help the war-affected people, and I am now a student of an elite masters program at one of the top-rated University in Europe as the first Libyan student to be represented.”
Featured at ‘Open education resources to shape post-pandemic world’ article by Curt Newton and Krishna Rajagopal.
I was featured in an article written by the publication Director of MIT OCW and the dean of MIT open learning at the University World News (the African edition) that discuss how free access to knowledge can break barriers and enhance equal opportunity to all learners.
Interviewed at a libyan podcast on artificial intelligence.
I was a guest on a libyan podcast called “about the human” that discusses scientific topics, raising awareness and reflect on their impact on society, In this episode the topic was artificial intelligence, and I talked about how current machine learning algorithms work exactly, their applications, how libyan students can learn them, and what potentials they could bring to benefit us in our current situation, with more focus on its medical and neural applications.