Ahmed Almijbari

Ahmed Almijbari

PhD Researcher and Academic

Technical University of Munich


Salam! I’m Ahmed, a PhD researcher and academic staff member at the Munich Institute of Robotics and Machine Intelligence, Technical University of Munich. I recently graduated with honours from the Elite MSc program in Neuroengineering at TU Munich, receiving the research excellence certificate from the elite network of Bavaria and two scholarships. My passion lies in developing Neuro AI systems to replace and restore impaired brain functions through brain-machine interfaces. I aim to create methodologies and technologies that redefine neuro-engineering and make a meaningful impact on the quality of life for individuals with neural deficits.

  • NeuroAI
  • Brain-Computer Interface
  • Artificial/Biological Intelligence
  • Elite MSc in Neuroengineering, 2023

    Technical University of Munich, with Honours

  • BSc in Electrical Engineering, 2017

    University of Benghazi, GPA: 3.95 out of 4

My Experience

Technical University of Munich
PhD Researcher, Academic Staff
Jul 2024 – Present Garmisch-Partenkirchen
Munich Institute of Robotics and Machine Intelligence | Neural Interfacing Group
Klinikum rechts der Isar
Research Assistant, Data Analysis, Signal and Image Processing
Nov 2022 – Dec 2023 Munich

Department of Diagnostic and Interventional Neuroradiology.

  • Implemented advanced neuroimaging data science and signal processing techniques to analyse brain data for 24 subjects, containing 160M time series signals, revealing novel patterns in brain activity through functional MRI.
The Neuroimaging Center at the Technische Universität München
Research Intern, Computational Neuroscience, Biomedical Data Science, Statistical Analysis
Feb 2023 – Aug 2023 Munich

Dynamics of Brain Connectivity Lab

  • Investigated neural information processing during cognitive function emergence, implementing large-scale Energy Landscape modeling and data analysis methods on 20+ gigabytes of data, performing statistical and computational analysis on over 800k data points.
University of Oxford
Summer Intern, Machine Learning Engineering, Medical AI
May 2023 – Jul 2023 Oxford

Oxford Machine Learning Summer School - MLx Health

  • Engaged in rigorous 43 hours of coursework, 12 hands-on workshops, and a five-team-member collaborative project in healthcare at the distinguished Oxford Machine Learning Summer School, deepening the understanding of advanced ML concepts and methodologies.
Technical University of Munich
Research Intern, Neuroengineering, Neural Implants Engineering, Closed-loop Neuromodulation
May 2021 – Oct 2021 Munich

Ondracek Lab

  • Engineered and deployed a state-of-the-art real-time detection and stimulation system to identify and modulate sharp wave ripples with a success rate of more than 97% and a low latency of under 20ms.
University of Benghazi
Teaching Assistant, Tutor, Curriculum Development
Sep 2017 – Dec 2018 Benghazi
  • Facilitated and taught +50 tutorial lectures on Electromagnetic Theory and Digital Communications, enhancing +100 students´ understanding and engagement.

  • Collaborated on four Signal Processing and Machine learning projects, contributing to developing innovative graduate dissertations.

Manart Almutawasit communications
Radio Frequency Engineer, Network Optimization, Data Field Analysis
Aug 2017 – Nov 2017 Benghazi
  • Managed Drive-Test processes for the Nokia H+ project, ensuring optimal network performance and quality of 50+ sites.

  • Played a key role in post-processing data field analysis, delivering valuable insights and weekly reports for network optimization and enhancement to the vendor.

Almadar Aljadid
Student Intern, Wireless Engineering
Jul 2017 – Sep 2017 Tripoli and Benghazi
  • Selected among the top 30 university students nationwide to engage in the prestigious R&D department´s annual internship program.
  • Engaged in 70+ hours of RF and wireless engineering workshops, communication networks and research skills, and 150+ hours of practical experience in the network optimisation department.
Hatif Libya
Student Intern, Microwave Engineering
Jun 2016 – Aug 2016 Benghazi
  • Completed a 240+ hour internship focused on RF, microwave, and CDMA components, gaining valuable experience through theoretical concepts and hands-on practice.
  • Conducted weekly technical reports on network performance, maintenance and troubleshooting.


Programming Languages:

Python - MATLAB - Julia


Machine Learning & Data Science (Numpy - Pandas - Scikit-learn - TensorFlow - Pytorch)
Neuroimaging (FSL - SPM)
Software Engineering (Test Driven Development (TDD) ”Google Test” - Version Control ”Git” - CI/CD - CMake - LaTeX- Linux)


Signal Processing - Large-scale Modelling and Data Analysis - Machine Learning - Probability Theory and Statistics - Dynamical Systems - Numerical Methods - Information Theory.


Arduino - TEMS - ACTIX Analyzer - Multisim - Logic design - Oscilloscope


Elite Network of Bavaria

Research Excellence Certificate

The Bavarian State Ministry of Science and the Arts initiative to support the outstanding talents at Bavarian universities.

Rheinstahl Stipendium

Scholarship Holder

The Rheinstahl Foundation annually supports up to 50 talented students in Germany by providing financial and non-financial assistance throughout academic training and professional development.

Louis Schuler Funds

Scholarship Holder

Schuler group funds committed, technology-loving students with scholarships, awarding for remarkable achievements in the thesis and enabling students to pursue exciting university projects.



Technische Universität München
TUM Forschungszentrum Geriatronik
Munich Institute of Robotics and Machine Intelligence | Neural Interfacing Group
Bahnhofstraße 37
82467 Garmisch-Partenkirchen

E-mail: ahmed.almijbari@tum.de
Phone: +49 163 1952422